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Configuring rate limiting#

To limit the number of requests made by each IP address to sensitive API endpoints within a specified time window, you can enable security.rate_limiting in the configuration file. This feature is particularly useful in safeguarding against brute-force attacks targeting authentication API endpoints.

For rootless containers, it is essential to configure both the network stack and the port forwarder to use slirp4netns in order to determine the actual client IP address. Before proceeding, ensure that slirp4netns is installed on your machine.

By default, Docker and Podman employ RootlessKit as the port forwarder. For Docker, you can find instructions on changing the port forwarder here. For Podman, you don't need to do anything, as slirp4netns can be picked up automatically.

Please note that it is crucial to correctly configure the container to use slirp4netns as mentioned above before enabling security.rate_limiting. Failure to do so will result in rate limiting being applied to all requests, irrespective of the IP address, as the container won't be able to determine the actual client IP address.

Moreover, when external proxies or load balancers are present in front of the container, it is necessary to specify their IP addresses in network.trusted_proxies in order to obtain the actual client IP address.